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karate kids 6-12 years

How can i lower my tuition?
Here’s How It Works:
Bring a friend to class. When your friend becomes a full member, you will receive a discount on your monthly tuition for an entire year.
Step One
1. Must be a new student to Taido America Karate.
2. Cannot be an immediate family member (we have a Family Rate Program).
3. Cannot have been a former Taido America or Kaikudo student within the last 6 months.
Step Two
1. The new student can take our Free Try-out
2. Next, they can join our One Month Introductory Course for $55 (includes 2 lessons per
week and 1 FREE uniform)
3. Finally, they must sign up as a full member at least for one month
4. The new student must attend consecutively from their first day of karate
Step Three
1. Referral: $10 off your monthly tuition for 12 consecutive months
2. That is a total of $120 in savings!
3. The rate of $10 discount will reflect on your next billing cycle after they become a full
Do you want an additional $5 Discount?
Here’s How It Works:
1. Same rules apply from the above.
2. $5 more off your monthly tuition for 12 consecutive months for each additional referral.
3. Unlimited number of referrals is allowed.
4. That is an additional $60 savings per student.
Can we help?
​​We offer sales material, a pricing sheet, and a schedule. Use our links! Or if you prefer, pick up a flyer from our new school.
Let us help!
Below is a link to our specially designed information web page. It will inform your friends everything they need to know and understand about our school. Good luck and let us start lowering your monthly tuition today!
Kid's Program Page -
Adult & Teen Page -
1. Copy and paste our email link into your email -
2. Send them to your friends, neighbors, co-workers, church friends, etc.
You may write your own email or use our basic template below. Rewrite to fit your style.
Sample email:
Hi [name],
Thanks for spending time with me the other day. As promised, here is the link to the karate school
[my child/I] attends, [copy link and add here]. After you check out the website, if you are not interested, that is fine, and I won’t bring this up anymore.
If you are interested, please contact me or the primary instructor, Okochi Sensei, at He’d be happy to assist you with any questions or comments.
Take care!
[your name]
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